Canon Eos R5 - A Journey from Beginning to Today

The introduction of photography/videography for me can be traced back to the early 2000s when our family would use the Sony Handycam or even the Canon Eos 500N ( a film camera from the early ’90s) to create memories that were beautiful and long-lasting. Although there were the usual point and shoots in our house such as Vivitar, Sanyo, and Panasonic along with a Konica Minolta film camera, it used to fill the photographer inside me with joy at looking through the world with a new lens.

The first proper exposure to photography for me came in 2015 when I had just joined college for my media course and the mood was to create content. My family decided to get me the canon 1200D due to the fact that I used the camera from a friend a few months ago and was impressed by the usability and the basic fact that it just works. The kit came with the two standard zoom lenses (18-55mm & 55-250mm) and fulfilled the needs to cover various topics such as product, model, landscape, silhouette and much more. Although the need to improve was always on the mind the fact was that with limited efforts, I could achieve satisfactory results.

Then came the 50mm lens in 2018 and since then it is stuck on my camera as it has been one of the best purchases I have ever made and the colors, sharpness, and rendition have been nothing short of extraordinary. the use case for the lens has been in hill stations to capture landscapes, macro shots of flowers and even the Gokul Ashtami functions for our college and it has stood the test of time and delivered.

After 5 good years of using the camera, there has always been the need to upgrade to a better product and the choices were many for me from Sony, Nikon, Fujifilm, Panasonic but the inner me decided to play the waiting game and see how it pans out. Canon does have a mirrorless system but the requirements for me were that it be a fleshed-out camera and also be future proof. The M- System was good but going back to APSC may be possible but difficult as sticking to the same format would not be much progress.

The RF mount system on the other hand looks like a very interesting proposition and with the Eos R and RP, the cameras seemed good on the outside but the former proved to be a better camera with updates and the latter however I look at it doesn’t seem to be fitting my bill. With an amazing set of lenses, the system is enticing, to say the least, and by the looks of it investing is going to be an expensive affair.

That brings me to today, let’s talk about the Eos R5, frankly, a camera that has literally shocked me on all fronts in terms of body, size, features, and even usability. With IBIS (In Body Image Stabilization), 8k Video, 12 fps and a rumored 45mp sensor, man it is drool-worthy but that’s what excites me. It’s the continuous improvements and the fact that the waiting game may well be worth it. 

To say that it is an upgrade is simply an understatement. Justifying the fact that It works will take a long time but the truth is very simple. It fulfills the needs of the user and gives them what they ask for. Something that canon has stood for in their more than 100-year history and that is what surprises me.


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